Apr 18, 2011

littlelover. A sequencer in "click-your-notes" easiness

Guy Kawasaki sent me to Holy Kaw for this "Mesmerizing music gizmo" and in a couple of minutes I've came up with this kind of "Caribbean-dreamy" pair of musical phrases.


Apr 8, 2011

Blogger Dynamic Views are HOT, but doesn't work on this blog :( . Yet?

I followed all the steps to enable the dynamic views for this blog but it isn't showing...

Brings a temporary alert page:

Sorry, dynamic views aren't available for this blog.
You'll be redirected to the blog homepage momentarily. Learn more

And then gets back to the old home view... :(

MoonVorbis - monogatari

MoonVorbis - monogatari

Learning a bit more for doing the WebM on Moonlight project.
Thanks to the commenters that pointed me to this other project.

Update: It is Atsushi Enomoto, from Mono's team who is behind that blog and project. Nice to know...